Monday, November 19, 2012

3 Days Post-Surgery

     The easy part is surgery went very well on Friday.  I arrived at the surgical center a few minutes before 7am.  Once I signed in, they called me back almost immediately, and within fifteen minutes, I was going under anesthesia.  Next thing I knew, the nurse was waking me up and assuring me that, despite my father's request, they did not remove my "dancing gene."  Before releasing me, the nurse gave me some Dramamine through my IV tube to help settle my stomach; this, mixed with the anesthesia knocked me out and I slept the whole car ride home.  
     Most of Friday afternoon and evening I was pretty comfortable because I was still experiencing the numbness on the top of my leg from the surgery.  Unfortunately, when this wore off late in the evening, I had a constant, throbbing pain in my leg (particularly in the knee) for all of Friday night through Sunday evening.  The prescription pain killers helped a little, but not much.  And, to top it off, even when taken with Dramamine, they made me very queasy and I could not keep much food down.  All in all, between the pain,the nausea, and the literal pain in my butt because I can only sit in one position, my weekend was pretty uncomfortable.  Luckily, the combination of Oxycodone and Dramamine makes me extremely sleepy; so, I've spent most of the time dosing off.  
     Today, most of the pain is gone.  I feel pretty good while laying down, with my leg elevated; however, when I stand up on the crutches there is some aching directly on my knee.  Each time I get up, this lessens a bit.  I've started to phase out the pain killers, and hope to take my last one on Wednesday night (mostly because I plan on drinking some Harpoon Winter Warmer with Thanksgiving dinner on Thursday!)
     Speaking of getting up...I drink a lot of water, which means I use the bathroom a lot.  My right leg muscles (which I worked so hard to build this summer) have already started to atrophy, and my family have to help my get my leg in and out of bed.  They are already beginning to find my hourly bathroom breaks more than a bit annoying.  
     For the next week, all I can do is wait (and continue to change my ice pack, half hour on, half hour off).  I am really looking forward to seeing Dr. Diana next Tuesday and beginning physical therapy.  Even with the 3-4 months of therapy ahead of me, on this side of surgery, I can begin to see the light at the end of the tunnel (be it a tiny pin-prick).  I just keep thinking of how great that first run will be in March and how much I want to start the body revolution program again.  

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