Saturday, December 31, 2011

Welcome 2012!

     All in all, 2011 has not been a spectacular year.  Some very special friends struggled with their own illnesses and the afflictions of loved ones, I said goodbye some important people (including my beloved dog, Duke), the economy still sucks, and I am still without a job.  Sure, there were some very high points: Dan and I got engaged(!), we celebrated the marriages of friends and family, and I spent a ton of time with the sweetest niece in the world.  So, I'm pretty excited to say "goodbye" to 2011 and ring in 2012.  
     Every new year is an opportunity to start fresh -- set goals -- and make real plans to do all the things I vaguely dream about on a daily basis.  This being said, this year, I am going to use this blog to hold myself accountable.  I have a list of things I want to accomplish this year, "resolutions," if you will:

1. Marry my best friend.  Yes, this is the easy one. The date is set, the hall booked, and our friends and family are ready to share the day with us.  
2. Get healthy.  Every year I set this goal, and I never truly fail.  But, this year I am going to take it much more seriously.  Specifically, this year, I plan on:
a. Eating more nutritiously and organically.
b. Exercising at least 4 days a week, every week, no excuses. 
c. Running a 5k by June (in under 30 minutes!) and a 10k by December.
d. Drinking more water.
3. Read at least 50 books.
4. Help others:
a. Volunteer consistently with on local organization.
b. Work with Team Fox.
c. Participate in charity walks and runs for causes that are important to me.
5. Blog more.
6. Do the things I always say I want to do, but never get around to:
a. See more Broadway shows.
b. Take more pictures.
c. Start long lasting traditions.
7. Get a job!

     I know this is a long list.  However, I high very high hopes for 2012 and plan on documenting all of the ups and downs along the way.  I know it is going to be an amazing year...the year of Alison.  Here's to a spectacular 2012!

Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween!

     I'm a huge geek for holidays.  Consequently, I am the biggest sucker for holiday marketing.  While some people may complain when Target begins selling seasonal supplies months ahead of time, I get giddy with anticipation.  With each new holiday season, I decorate my apartment, dress from head to toe in festive garb, watch holiday movies and TV shows, and read seasonal books.  I ignore all pretenses of calorie counting to make the Pillsbury cookies with the holiday designs in them and make sure to drink plenty of limited edition lattes at Starbucks. Over the past few years, Dan and I have tried to create some holiday traditions we partake in every year.  
     Halloween is a particular favorite of mine.  After a long, hot summer with nothing but barbecues and parades, I look forward to putting away the stars and stripes and getting out the pumpkins and scarecrows.  I love the colors and smells of the fall, not to mention the beautiful weather. Each year, I start the season by going apple and pumpkin picking with some family and friends. 

Dan & Brooklynn picking the perfect pumpkin.
Dan has a slight obsession with choosing the largest pumpkin in the patch.  We had the best intentions of visiting a few Halloween events at the parks and botanical gardens around this cities; but, my work schedule, wedding planning, and the October snow storm thwarted our plans. Luckily, we did manage to watch a few horror movies Halloween documentaries...yes, we now know how to survive a Zombie apocalypse.  And, as usual, we partook in my favorite Halloween tradition:  a few days before Halloween, we put It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown! on TV, and carve our pumpkin.  

Our Pumpkin.
     The first year we lived in our apartment, I dressed up in a homemade witch costume and prepared a bucket of candy in anticipation of trick-or-treaters.  Unfortunately, we got zero, nor have we had any in the subsequent two years. So, tonight, clad in my "I got a rock" T-shirt, blinking ghost necklace, pumpkin slippers, and ghost nail decals, I am going to light every boney bunch candle in my apartment, eat some Halloween chocolate chip cookies, and watch the live Ghost Hunters Halloween investigation with Dan. And tomorrow, I have plans to go to the gym...while thinking about Thanksgiving.   
     Happy Hauntings!